weaving together sacred space, sound, and somatics for a safe, trauma-informed ceremony experience

my intention

My intention with my ceremony work is to create a space where you can go within for answers, be supported in sitting with discomfort, process and integrate challenging experiences, and celebrate life's joys and gifts.

This work is rooted in my values of presence, integrity, compassion, reciprocity and benefit sharing, authenticity, responsibility, creativity, and collaboration.

During my ceremonies, I work with the following healing practices and tools:

  • medicinal plant medicines

  • live medicine music played and sung throughout the ceremony

  • soothing and restorative sound baths

  • sharing circles

  • meditation and visualization

  • somatic practices

  • ritual

  • energetic processing and clearing

  • breathwork

  • vocal toning and chanting

  • writing exercises

  • free-form movement

To retreat, to journey

To be in ritual, prayer,

the present moment

A safe and sacred space

To breathe in

To breathe out

To feel the body

To know the heart

To listen

To make space


And beginnings

To sit with the magic of the mystery, surrender to the unknown

To cry tears like rivers, spilling over with sorrow and grief

To dance with joy and laugh with bright beams of celebration

To fill the belly with wisdom, truth, and clarity

To feel the earth’s inhale and exhale

To remember your intrinsic, cyclical, seasonal nature, to see it mirrored by the nature around you

To sing the ancient songs

To put back together all the parts of the self that have been lost

To weave the webs of forever, connecting with far-off realms and deep insides

Forging a new path forward

group ceremony

I facilitate small group ceremonies throughout the year in the Charlottesville, VA area. Group ceremony offers an experience to connect with community in a safe and sacred space, to be seen and heard in your wholeness, to heal together.

1:1 ceremony

  • We will connect over Zoom for a consultation session. We’ll discuss your intentions for ceremony and go over any questions you have.

    After our consultation if you’d like to move forward you’ll be asked to complete the intake form.

  • There will be at least one required preparation session before ceremony. We’ll explore your intentions deeply and I’ll guide you in ritual and somatic practices to begin opening the ceremony portal.

    Preparation sessions are held on Zoom and are 50 minutes each.

  • Ceremonies take place in your home or private space. If you do not want the ceremony to take place in your home you can rent an Airbnb or another private space of your choice. If you would like your ceremony to take place outside of the Charlottesville, VA area, please let me know at our consultation session.

    The ceremony lasts around 6 to 7 hours.

  • There will be at least one required integration session after ceremony. This creates space to unpack and examine your ceremony experience. To witness the wisdom and insights that arose. To glean the gems of healing that occurred.

    I will also offer suggestions for somatic and spiritual tools, practices, and resources that can support you in weaving your ceremony experience into your everyday life.

    Integration sessions are held on Zoom and are 50 minutes each.

About Me & MY training

I understand the complexity of being a white woman in relationship with ceremony which has been stewarded by indigenous peoples for time immemorial. I’m consistently exploring this complexity and am doing the following to be in right relationship with ceremony. I’m a member of the Native American Church and regularly attend indigenous-led Lakota inipi ceremonies (sweatlodges) and have sat in many indigenous-led ceremonies, most recently with indigenous elders from the Huni Kuni peoples of the Brazilian Amazon. I’m a graduate of Linda Thai’s Certificate in Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies and Charlotte James’ and Sara Reed’s Liberation Training program focused on decolonization and collective liberation. I’m also beginning the Somatic Experiencing 3-year trauma resolution training in 2024.

I donate a minimum of 5% of all ceremony proceeds to either the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund.

Learn more about me and my training and read testimonials and personal reflections from my clients.

If you are interested in traveling outside of the States for ceremony, I’d love to connect you with indigenous facilitators in Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru that I know and trust.